Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Change Is Coming

CHange IS COming

It's autumn in my neck of the woods. This means the weather is getting colder, the leaves on the trees are starting to turn that beautiful orange, yellow and brown, and the days seem longer. Although it happens every year like clockwork, it never ceases to amaze me. Seems I'm not alone either, for many have experienced that same awestruck wonder time and again.

The ironic part is that I have always viewed change as a scary thing; something to be avoided. I was taught from childhood to find "stability". We have many catch phrases here that express this very notion: "Don't rock the boat", "The grass is not always greener on the other side" or "better the devil you know than the devil you don't". All those sayings imply one thing; stay safe, don't change.

As life would have it, i'm forced to change yet again....and I don't like it! There are some who say, "change is good", but change can be scary also! All of the what-ifs and unknowns stalk me like lion tracking its prey. A part of me wants change, begs for change! We all want something better, but give me a ticket to the safe route please.

I have found out one thing though; change, whether planned or unplanned, will stretch you and make you grow. I think this is what nature intended. Just as the changing cycles of the seasons brings new life and new beginnings, so too, we must change. Could you ever imagine a baby, or anyone for that matter, staying exactly the same? How about looking at the exact same sunrise and sunset over and over? Get's pretty boring very quickly.  I imagine almost anything, no matter how wonderful, would lose its 'wonder' if it stayed the same and we beheld it day after day after day with no change.

So why fight the inevitable? Embrace the changes that come your  way! Like a caterpillar going into its cocoon to transform, so too must you continue to change and be transformed into an even more beautiful creature than you are. When life's rules change, you must change with it. I'd be lying if I didn't say I'm still a little scared of the 'new' change, but I'm also getting excited thinking about the journey.

What changes in your life will begin your journey? Don't fight it so much. It's just a new beginning!.

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