Sunday, December 9, 2012

Saluting Motherhood

SaLuTiNg MoThErHoOd

It's been said, "The hand that rocks the cradle is the hand that rules the world". Mother's hands rocks those cradles and shapes lives. From carrying the baby in the womb for 9 long months to the grueling exercise of pushing her bundle of pain out into the world; a mother's love is matchless.

"Only a mother can love", is another well known phrase coined to pay homage to the matriarchs of our society. A mother's love is a love that transcends sensibility  Fathers often feel compelled to take on the role of teacher, protector and provider, but mothers effortlessly act on love and compassion.

It's the moms who have endless kisses, hugs and caresses  It's a mother's love that is always welcoming. It's the abundance of care she pours into her children that carries on inside them for a lifetime. It's a mother who will go above and beyond, willing to sacrifice all to give to her "babies". Even to her last breath, her nurturing spirit still sees her grown children as her "babies".

Now i know not all have had great experiences with mom or even all moms reading this now have no clue what i'm speaking of. That is not the norm. In a world where we experience abberations  through mental, physical or emotional trauma or disconnect, some women simply do not know how or refuse to be great mother. But for the billions of moms that wake daily to try again to add love and value to their children's lives; stand up and take a bow.

Mother's come in all shapes and sizes; some have a good husband by her side, some a lousy one; some moms are single; some are aged and others have the regret of experiencing motherhood for but a brief time due to tragedy. Some moms work, others stay home. Some are able to shield their children from life's struggles, some just struggle.

Whatever your position in life, it doesn't take much to be a mom and it takes everything to be a mom! Women have the ability to reproduce, but shaping a life takes phenomenal love, courage, patience and pain. Motherhood is a universal experience; almost a common bond between those who are blessed to experience this gift.

To moms everywhere; I Salute You!

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