Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Overcoming Adversity

OVercoming ADversity

I know a few things about adversity and about going through, under it, around and over it. My life hasn't always been peaches and cream. I've had mt share of disappointments, tragedies and struggles. I remember when I lost my job and nearly lost everything! I felt like such a loser, especially with a wife and four kids looking for me to fix the situation.

As late as this year, adversity came knocking again. My wife lost her job at the beginning of the year. Happy New Year to us; 'Yeaaaa"..Not! For 8 months she searched to find work, until she landed a job nearby! Problem was, I soon had be checked into the hospital and diagnosed with congestive heart failure. Bye job. :(

So now I was sidelined again and still trying to figure out how to provide more for the family. Did i tell you that a month later my youngest daughter landing in the hospital for severe hydration caused by a failing gall bladder and pancreaticis? She spent 18 days in the hospital and missed a month out of school.

My wife's new job was understanding of situation that they let her work a couple of days at home, until they let her go because of her 'family issues'. I believe it had more to do with the fear of her getting the health benefits from the company that was due to kick in within that month.

How's that for adversity?!

We are hanging in there for now. We still have each other and faith in God. We are still alive and that gives us opportunity to keep striving to move forward. No one ever promised a great life with no bumps, so we have learned to count our blessing and roll with the punches.

Whatever you are facing in your own life: 'This too will pass". Be strong and courageous! If you stand strong and firm, you may bend, but not break. Concentrate on one day at a time and keep going forward. Ask for help if necessary and try asking God for a little help, even if you may not necessarily believe. Overcoming is one step at a time; it's a process. I promise; if you continue, things will get better.

Keep stepping.

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